our services

  • Neuromodulators soften the dynamic facial expressions. You’ll still have expression, just a softer look!


    Low doses are injected right under the skin with a very small needle. The pokes required depends on the area or areas being treated.

    Temporary injection site redness and swelling is common and usually goes away within the hour. Treatment time is 15 minutes start to finish.

    Results start to kick in within 3-5 days, full onset in around 2 weeks and should last 3-4 months.


    Avoid putting excess pressure on treatment areas, such as manually pressing on treatment areas, getting a massage or facial, physical therapy or excessive exercise.

  • Fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm and RHA are designed to fill fine lines and wrinkles (around the mouth), provide structure and support (cheeks for mid face volume loss) and give volume to lips, chins and temples, just to name a few! There are many different types of fillers under the Restylane, Juvederm and RHA umbrellas to help with all of your aging concerns.


    They provide instant gratification but integrate into the tissue over the course of 2-3 weeks. Bruising and swelling can occur after treatment.

    Numbing cream is applied prior to treatment to help with any discomfort. Results typically last from 6 months to 18 months depending on the area that is being treated and the product used.


    Ice as needed for 24-48 hours. Do not workout for 24 hours.

  • ‘The 401K for facial rejuvenation.’ You put something in now for benefits in the future. This fantastic product works with your own body to recreate the structure and support we have lost. It’s a biostimulatory agent called L-Polylactic Acid designed to bind with your own collagen.


    Treatment takes about 45 minutes. You will leave the appointment with volume that will mimic what you will actually look like after your body works with the product to create new collagen. The magic begins! You start to see results in a few weeks and more over the course of 6 weeks. You will need at least 2 treatments spaced 6 weeks apart. Results are natural, of course, and last up to 2 years.


    Post care with Sculptra is different from other fillers. You will need to massage the areas 5 minutes, 5 times a day for 5 days.

  • A unique fractional technology that offers exceptional results from the Rejuvapen system. The treatment creates controlled micro-injuries to the skin, producing collagen and elastin as well as allowing topical creams and serums to be absorbed more effectively. Microneedling reduces the appearance of fine lines, acne scarring, pore size and improves skin tone and texture. Available with PRP add-on.


    Average treatments: 3-5, spaced 4 weeks apart.


  • PRP is a cutting-edge treatment for restoration where the client’s own blood is drawn, processed to separate the platelets, and applied or injected into the affected area. The plasma rich platelets that are used promote healing and accelerate regeneration while reviving inactive cells. For client’s suffering from hair loss or thinning hair, injecting PRP into the scalp promotes regrowth and increases overall thickness of the hair shaft.

    PRP with microneedling: isolate protein rich plasma and platelets from blood to introduce to skin via microneedling. Stimulates collagen and elastin to thicken and tighten skin, smooth fine lines and wrinkles and improve overall skin texture and pigmentation. Collagen and elastin are proteins and the main building blocks for the skin; PRP works to activate and rebuild collagen and elastin which diminish with age.


    Average treatments: 3, spaced 4 weeks apart.

  • Our facials involve a complete skin care analysis followed by a customized skin care treatment crafted to give you a radiant glow.

  • We offer a variety of peels suitable for all skin types, including darker skin tones and those with more sensitive skin. This limits downtime and the treatments are specialized to deliver a variety of results including:

    • Anti-aging

    • Melasma

    • Sunspots

    • Acne and mild acne scarring

    • Rough, Textured Skin

    • Uneven Skin Tone


  • Do you have a double chin? Oftentimes this problem has nothing to do with weight but genetics!

    Kybella (deoxycholic acid) is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps to break down the fat under the chin.


    Most people experience numbness, swelling bruising and tenderness 1-2 weeks post treatment. The procedure takes about 20 minutes and involves a series of injections spaced 5 to 6 weeks apart. There is minimal downtime and discomfort associated with this treatment.


    Ice as needed for 24-48 hours.

    *If you have laxity along with fullness, surgery will be a better option.

  • Exosomes are in the Regenerative category (think growth factors, stem cells, tissue healing) in the skincare world. Backed by science (and the Mayo clinic) Exosomes are a very unique type of treatment. Applied topically 1-2 times day, they travel down through the sweat glands, pores and hair follicles and communicate directly with the cells. Exosomes support natural production of collagen and elastin, deliver growth factors and antioxidants as well as improve redness, brown spots and fine lines.

    Combine with Sculptra Aesthetic and/or Micro needling for the ultimate collagen remodeling treatment.

  • Broadband light therapy is a skin treatment that utilizes a wide range of light wavelengths to address various skin concerns. This non-invasive procedure is commonly employed for skin rejuvenation, pigmentation reduction, and improving overall skin texture.

    The technology works by emitting a broad spectrum of light that targets different layers of the skin. It stimulates collagen production, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, it can treat issues like age spots, sun damage, and redness caused by conditions such as rosacea.

    Patients typically experience minimal discomfort during the procedure and may notice immediate improvement in their skin's appearance. However, optimal results often require multiple sessions over several weeks. Post-treatment care generally involves protecting the skin from sun exposure and following a skincare routine as advised by a professional.

  • The Moxi laser is a non-invasive skin treatment designed to improve skin tone and texture. It utilizes a fractional laser technology that delivers energy in a grid-like pattern, targeting specific areas of the skin while leaving surrounding tissue intact. This approach promotes collagen production and encourages skin renewal, making it effective for various skin concerns, including fine lines, pigmentation, and uneven skin texture.

    The procedure is relatively quick, typically lasting about 30 minutes, and can be performed on different skin types and areas of the body. Patients often experience minimal downtime, with some redness and swelling that usually subsides within a few days. Results can be seen gradually as the skin heals and new collagen forms, with optimal results becoming apparent over several weeks.

    Moxi laser treatments can be customized based on individual skin needs and desired outcomes, making it a versatile option for individuals seeking to enhance their skin's appearance.